Party: Abbey wood fossil hunt
Main page > Ukafh(UK Amateur Fossil Hunters) > Abbey wood fossil hunt
Upcoming: 2
Date: 18.09.2016 11:00
Address: UKAFH, 41 willow road , Kettering, United Kingdom | show on the map »
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Please note: Please ensure that you are a registered UKAFH member before enrolling on this event. Membership is available at
Abbey wood London (FULLY BOOKED)
This a rare chance to go as a group to this site and be able to dig for fossils. This site is highly fossiliferous, ideal for wet sieving. The Lessness Shell Bed from the Blackheath Beds (Palaeogene age) are extremely rich in fossil sharks teeth, mammal and bird remains and fossil shells. All mammal finds must recorded and handed over to the BM (NH) London.
Suitable All the family
*Please note to attend UKAFH fossil hunts you must be a member and fill out a booking form to book your place.