Party: 2017 SPOC Teams Tournament

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2017 SPOC Teams Tournament

Club: Saint Peter's Old Collegians Badminton Club

Upcoming: 11
Date: 10.09.2017 13:00
Address: 57 Hackney Road, Hackney SA 5069, Adelaide, Australia | show on the map »

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Party: 2017 SPOC Teams Tournament

Sneak peak:
- Hours of badminton, countless number of games
- Over $360 worth of ABC Proshop vouchers and bragging rights to be won
- 2 Divisions (Tournament and Social). "I'm not good enough to compete" is no longer a valid excuse!
- $30 pp for tournament division. Create your own team of 4
- $15 pp for social division. You will be allocated into a team of 4
- $5 discount to SPOC Badminton members

Event Details:
Tournament Division: This year’s tournament will allow you to select your own team members. Teams of 4 players may be submitted to play in a round robin format against 7 other teams to compete for a $360 prize pool. You may choose to submit as teams of <4 or as an individual, but will not be guaranteed a place in the tournament unless we find you a complete team of 4 players.

Social Division: In this division, you submit as individual players and will be placed at random into teams of 4, to play in a round robin format against 5 other teams for fame and glory.

- $50 ABC Proshop vouchers per player for winning team (Tournament division only)
- $40 ABC Proshop vouchers for runner ups (Tournament division only)
- Entries paid for prior to 11.59pm, 6th Sept ‘17 will be placed in a draw to win 1 of 8 ABC Proshop 30% discount vouchers for most shoes and bags. (For all participants)
- More vouchers to be won! Stay tuned for details.

Pay via eftpos with your name in the details to:
Name: SPOC Badminton Club
BSB: 065-004
A/c No: 1090 5874

Follow this space for further details on competition format.