Party: Exec Elections 2015 Information Evening

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Exec Elections 2015 Information Evening

Club: Loughborough Students Union

Upcoming: 67
Date: 10.12.2014 19:00
Address: Ashby Road , Loughborough, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Party: Exec Elections 2015 Information Evening

***Ever wondered what it takes to be a member of the LSU Exec team? Find out here!****

The evening will consist of a presentation from Exec about what each of our roles entail and our experiences of campaigning for them. You will also gain an insight into the background workings of LSU of which you may not be aware, including: strategic plans; what’s currently in development; and much, much more!
The evening will also provide an opportunity to ask the current Exec questions about both our roles and our experience of last year's Exec Elections.
Some nibbles and drinks will be provided.

We sincerely hope that you take advantage of this opportunity and look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,
Liam Peoples
LSU VP Union Affairs

***NB. This event is open to ALL STUDENTS***

Invited: Ally McDonald, Claudia Green, Rosie Harvey, Shauna Cullen, Rob Whittaker, Kushal Shah, Bryn Wilkes, Lottie Colquhoun, Donna Cross, Sophie Farley, Amy Ward, Ellie Gyaurova, Jim Roasty, Luke Smile Stacey, Charlotte Louise Ryan, Sasha A, Kailey Hazeldene, Lydia Joyce Hill, Bethany Fulks, Jenna Holmes, Steffan Lloyd show more »
