Party: Sticks in the Park

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Sticks in the Park

Club: Bushido Kai

Upcoming: 22
Date: 24.08.2014 12:00
Address: 6310 Hood Street , Halifax, Canada | show on the map »

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Party: Sticks in the Park

Our annual FREE TRAINING "Sticks in the Park" training session is coming up again. On Sunday August 24th we will meet at Victoria park located right off of Spring Garden road. Bring water, two 28' long sticks, and anything else you would like to have when training outside (just casual attire, no uniforms)

This informal training covers many styles of "stick arts" from Filipino, Celtic, Chinese, and Japanese.

There will be a limited number of sticks available if you don't have any.

No experience necessary, all welcome to attend

Instructors: Vince Bollozos - - over 27 years of experience martial arts with a focus Jeet Kune Do and Filipino martial arts, JKD Concepts and Filipino martial arts instructor
- Only Canadian instructor of Kali Ilustrisimo under Master Christopher Ricketts
- Expert rank in Bakbakan Kali under Master Rey Galang
- Advanced instructor in Modern Arnis under the late Grandmaster Remy Presas

Roger Stone - Over 20 years of experience, certified instructor in Jujitsu, Shootwrestling, Jun Fan Gung-Fu / Jeet Kune Do, Celtic stick-fighting and Filipino Martial Arts (Inosanto style)

Ray McKinnon - 39 years experience, owner of Bushido Kai

No experience necessary, all welcome to attend

NOTE: If it rains there is no rain date set.
