Party: Class Action/ Hats and Black Ties/ Hillties

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Party: Class Action/ Hats and Black Ties/ Hillties

Class Action
Hats and Black Ties
@ Nite Owl
Friday Feb. 6th, 2015

Let's put our arms around each other, party and hop and skank all night long!

Invited: Jeremy Pavka, Eric Richie, Brian Moynihan, Dawn Daniels, Erica Dawn Fuselli, Matt Mosley, Amelia Steiger, Kim Scott, Tyler Guichon, Jennifer Tuck, Bartek Grochowski, BJ Downey, Brett Heilman, Marcello Palombi, Jamie Phillips, Tommy Crossbones, Chris Van Keir, Tila MacLeod, Nick Taylor, John Rocher, Steph Muir show more »
