Party: Overdose Prevention & Naloxone Training for Comics

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Party: Overdose Prevention & Naloxone Training for Comics

Comedy Bar presents:
A Conversation About Overdose Prevention & Naloxone Training for Comics.

Join us for a community conversation and FREE Naloxone training session.

Learn about the current opiod epidemic, how to recognize the signs of overdose, how to properly administer Naloxone and what to do to assist someone in crisis.

Training will take approx 20 minutes and there will be FREE Take Home Naloxone Kits available for those who have an Ontario health card number.

Presented by Delaware Pharmacy & ONPP (Ontario Naloxone Program For Pharmacies)

Naloxone (pronounced na-LOX-own, also known by the brand name Narcan) is a drug that can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose. Opioids are drugs that are usually used to treat pain, but some people use opioids to get high. Some commonly used opioids include: fentanyl, morphine, heroin, methadone and oxycodone.

Comedy Bar presents Workshops & Conversations is a series geared towards providing producers, performers, writers, and all comedians with the tools they need to perfect their craft. Tuition fees apply for most workshops, all community conversations are free.
