Party: Tanz in den Mai x The Feminists + Dirty Feetz
Main page > Badehaus Szimpla Musiksalon > Tanz in den Mai x The Feminists + Dirty Feetz
Upcoming: 34
Date: 30.04.2018 21:00
Address: Revaler Strasse 99., Berlin-Friedrichshain, Germany | show on the map »
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Winter is over! The Most Glamorous May-Party in Town.
Live! Rock // Punk // Rock'N'Roll // Trash // Garage
The Feminists + Dirty Feetz
Einlass 21 Uhr
Start: 22 Uhr
VVK: 8€ | ABK: 10€
Party danach 6€
Tickets ausdrucken:
The Feminists
Coming from the underworld via the gutters of Berlin, the Feminists provide furious interstellar turbo-boosts for shamanic trips into the furthest reaches of the unknown!!! Witness, take part, and spread the word as the cult of the Feminists spreads its tentacles of wildness across the Hauptstadt, and beyond!!!!
Dirty Feetz:
International Intereuropean Intensive musical Formation! Crossover Genres, Times, Feelings, Coutries. Founded in 21.March 2015 in Proskauer 34, Berlin, a rainy cold day, a senceless searching for answers to the big questions of life, a broken teapott with the smell of overused black tea, frozen toes and dirty pants, a comeback from another part of the world, a lingering for dreams, a meeting between ravenous travelers, filled with some great musical dishes!
Aftershowparty mit DJ Megaohm (60s/70s/Psych/Soul)
Badehaus Berlin
Revaler Str. 99
10245 Berlin