Club: UNC Asheville Transitions


UNC Asheville Transitions

, Asheville, United States

Phone: (828) 232-2417
About club:
The Transitions program is designed to ensure that transfer students, non-traditional students, and... Read more »
Parties total: 65
Visitors total: 58
Men total: 9 (16%)
Women total: 49 (84%)

University Veterans Alliance Student Lunch

12.11.2015 UNC Asheville Transitions
Nobody attended yet

Military Service Member Appreciation Week

09.11.2015 UNC Asheville Transitions
Nobody attended yet

transition Service: Brother Wolf

04.11.2015 UNC Asheville Transitions
Nobody attended yet

Trick or Treating in the Halls

26.10.2015 UNC Asheville Transitions
Nobody attended yet

University Veterans Alliance Student Lunch

08.10.2015 UNC Asheville Transitions
Nobody attended yet

transition Trip: Dupont Falls

13.09.2015 UNC Asheville Transitions
Nobody attended yet