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Club: Studio

Upcoming: 514
Date: 06.01.2012 23:00
Address: Sauna 1, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »

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Flavours on üritus, mis leiab ööklubis STUDIO aset iga kuuesimesel
reedel, hõlmates endas ühe korruse jagu mõnusaid err-ja-bee rütme ning teisel korrusel elektroonilisemat tantsumuusikat. Seega,oleme püüdnud kokku panna ühe maitsva sümbioosi sellest, mida üheltmeeldejäävalt klubiõhtult vähegi oodata võiks. Sel korral alumisel korrusel külas pärnu rnb boss - Dj Trigga. Ülemise korruse kõlareid paugutavad Search of Soundsi resident ja 1/2 duost
B.L.B. - Halfbrother ning Eesti elektroonilise muusika maastikule
2011 aastal palju uut hingamist toonud - Firejose.

Lisaks tegemist Raadio 2 Aastahitt 2012 ametliku afterparty-ga.

Alumisel korrusel:

Anton Must
Dj Trigga

Ülemisel korrusel:


Uksed - 23.00

Pilet: FB Attend - 5 / Muidu 10

*Fb attend kehtib kella 01.00-ni


Estonian-born Firejose aka Mark Stukis pondered into the electronic
music world in the 90s, gradually moving from listening to records to
going to raves to DJing, falling in love with drum'n'bass. After years
of spinning and producing solely one genre he started to grow tired of
it. His adventures would take him to jungles of Central America, where
cut off from modern trends of electronic music, he started crafting
his own style. After moving back to civilization and coming in touch
with the music scene again, he slowly started spreading his work. His
sound is always on the deeper end of the musical spectrum but also
with a dancefloor tip, the production style of tracks on Yellow Lanes
EP have drawn comparisons to the likes of Floating Points and Joy
Orbison. His musical influences range from Arvo Pärt to Rage Against
the Machine, from Bjork to The Prodigy, from Kompakt to Metalheadz,
from J Dilla to Zed Bias. DJ-ing wise you will not be disappointed
also - Firejose has a solid background in double dropping dnb
dubplates - a skill which he has brought over to these unfamiliar
territories he is exploring musically now.
